Apr 8, 2021
S04-E07 I feature a previous publication by me, Administrative Placement of Supplemental Instruction Programs. This was one part of my dissertation focused on several aspects of Supplemental Instruction that was published in 2000. Olivia and Henry, members of my synthetic voice family will narrate the publication. If I...
Apr 5, 2021
S04-E06 In this podcast episode, we feature a previous publication by me, Understanding the Supplemental Instruction Model. I authored this one back in the 1990s. Leslie, a member one of my synthetic voice family will narrate the publication. If I were writing this article today, no doubt there would be changes. But, I...
Apr 3, 2021
S04-E05 We continue our brief overviews of publications about leader identity emergence by the study session leaders. The narration of the publication overview will be by members of my synthetic voice family. I hope that the interaction that occurs will make the listening more enjoyable. Due to the length of...
May 13, 2020
Bonus (PDF) This is the draft guidelines for Course-based Learning Assistance which is another term to describe many peer assisted learning programs.
May 13, 2020
S03-E23 The 80+ page guidebook to best practices with postsecondary peer assisted learning programs provides field-tested and approved practices that can enhance any academic support program at a college that uses student-led study groups. This video provides a brief overview of the document. It can be downloaded at